Greenwood has several fun and informative garden tour events upcoming in the month of June, involving master gardeners and our friends at Bee City USA.
- Wednesday, June 19, 10:00 AM – Noon: Scavenger Hunt for kids to help them learn what food is pollinated by what pollinator at the Uptown Farmers Market Garden (220 Maxwell Avenue). Look for the Bee City USA Booth.
- Thursday, June 20, 5:30 PM: Pollinator Garden and Topiary tour by master gardener Ann Barklow. This is part of the ongoing Festival of Flowers program. Meet at the Veterans Plaza Pollinator Garden at 106 Main Street near the gazebo.
- Saturday, June 22, 10 AM – 5 PM and Sunday, June 23, 1 PM – 4 PM: Master gardener Ann Barklow’s Wildlife Habitat and Living Classroom on Pollinators (110 Ferry Cove Road in Greenwood) will be one of the gardens featured on the Festival of Flowers Garden Tours (rescheduled from June 8 – 9). This is presented jointly by the Lakelands Master Gardeners and Bee City USA. We will have master gardeners on hand to show you around and answer any questions you may have. SWAT (“Standing Water Action Team”) will also have a booth set up for mosquito education.